We humbly accept donations to support our work
100% of our program operations are supported by grants, government entities and the generous contributions of individuals that share our same goal of increasing the collective understanding, establishment, maintenance and protection of our urban forest.
You can help grow our urban forests by supporting the work we do.
Your donation supports:
Planning for and planting trees in urban areas
Efforts to increase reforestation of urban parklands
Educational programs for youth and early career development
Training Citizen Forester Volunteers to inventory and care for community trees
Designing and conducting tree risk assessments and recommending risk reduction measures
Much needed urban forest mapping and assessment
Applying state-of-the-art technology to understand and manage the urban forest
Friends of Hawaii’s Urban Forests is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
All of your donations is tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.
When you make a donation to Smart Trees Pacific, you will receive a personalized confirmation – letting you know the impact of your contribution.
Smart Trees Pacific strives to provide the soundest level of transparency – Please contact us for specific financial information from our 501(c)3 organization.
For questions or more information, please email us at