Downloadable documents, brochures and documents to use as a resource to better navigate the urban forestry world in Hawaii and the Pacific.
State of Hawaii’s
Forest Action Plan
The Kaulunani Council worked as part of the Hawaii Forestry team to analyze forest-related conditions, trends, threats, and opportunities within the State, to assure that federal, state, private and community resources focus on important issues. The urban forestry section can be found here.
Smart Trees Pacific
Benefits of Trees Brochure
Benefits of Trees Trees in our communities provide more benefits than most people ever consider. Many of these may seem intangible, however with current technology it is possible to quantify the benefits in terms of financial impact.
Smart Trees Pacific
Tree Canopy Goals Brochure
We develop, support and execute programs that support the missions of our partners and benefit the greater community. We seek solutions to establish a diverse and healthy urban tree canopy that makes it possible for communities to thrive.
Smart Trees Pacific
Urban Forestry Incident Command Engagement Model Booklet
The UFICEM has been created through a collaborative effort with many individuals and organizations involved with Urban Forestry, Emergency Management and other disciplines in the public, private, and nonpro t sectors. Learn more about the history of how this model has evolved and who has provided insight and support.
Smart Trees Pacific
Urban Forestry Emergency Operations Planning Guide for Storm Response Online Publication
The UFICEM has been created through a collaborative effort with many individuals and organizations involved with Urban Forestry, Emergency Management and other disciplines in the public, private, and nonpro t sectors. Learn more about the history of how this model has evolved and who has provided insight and support.
Smart Trees Pacific
Honolulu’s Urban Tree Canopy Report
This project applied the USDA Forest Service’s Tree Canopy Assessment protocols to Honolulu, HI. A tree canopy assessment provides an es mate of the amount of tree canopy currently present as well as the amount of tree canopy that could theoretically be established. The tree canopy products can be used by a broad range of stakeholders to help communities plan a greener future.
Outdoor Circle
Exceptional Tree Map
In 1975, the Hawai`i Legislature passed the Exceptional Tree Act (Act 105) to protect designated trees — both public and private — from improper trimming and unnecessary removal.
Today, The Outdoor Circle is helping to grow this list of protected trees and document their positive impact on our local environment. They are calling this the “Exceptional Tree Initiative.”
There are hundreds of Exceptional Trees found throughout the Hawaiian Islands. The Outdoor Circle is developing this database of currently recognized and nominated Exceptional Trees.
City and County of Honolulu
Hawaii’s 100,000 Tree Map
In 1975, the Hawai`i Legislature passed the Exceptional Tree Act (Act 105) to protect designated trees — both public and private — from improper trimming and unnecessary removal.
Today, The Outdoor Circle is helping to grow this list of protected trees and document their positive impact on our local environment. They are calling this the “Exceptional Tree Initiative.”
There are hundreds of Exceptional Trees found throughout the Hawaiian Islands. The Outdoor Circle is developing this database of currently recognized and nominated Exceptional Trees.
Kaulunani Program Accomplishments
Document highlighting 20 years of Accomplishments of the Kaulunani Urban and Community Forestry Program. We hope that you enjoy reading selected reviews about Kaulunani’s accomplishments and the profound success of our partners and projects.
Honolulu Division of Urban Forestry
Tree Related Inquires Contact List
Guidelines for inquiries relating to trees. City street trees are the property of the City & County of Honolulu. Destroying them is against the law and DPR will pursue criminal charges, if warranted.
Maui County
Maui County Planting Plan
This PDF document is a great resource to help you pick the perfect tree for your climate, location, and maintenance capability. This document has been researched, written and coordinated for the Maui County Arborist Committee.
Hawaiian Electric provides a great downloadable resource listing out easy-to-follow guidelines on how to pick the right location for your new tree.